Thursday 22 September 2016

latest Group 2 Question pepars Follw 2003 IMPARTENT



The largest ground-nut producer in the world is

1. India 2. Sudan 3. Brazil 4. China


Which nation possesses the largest cattle population

in the world ?

1. U.S.A 2. Australia 3. India 4. Denmark


The largest producer of fish in the world is

1. China 2. Japan 3. U.S.A 4. Norway


Which country is the leading producer of cement

in the world ?

1. India 2. U.S.A 3. Britian 4. Japan


Which countries are seperated by the McMahon

Line ?

1. India and Pakistan 2. China and Tibet

3. India and China 4. India and Bangladesh


Soil erosion in India occurs in alomost all the states,

but it is especially serious along the coast of

1. Kerala 2. Tami lNadu 3. Orrissa 4. Karnataka


What is the ideal temperature for the cultivation

of wheat ?

1.200 to 250 C 2.150 to 200 C

3.100 to 150 C 4.250 to 300 C


Which state is the leading producer of coconuts in

India ?

1. Assam 2. Kerala 3. Tamil Nadu 4. Karnataka


Which state has the largest area under canal irrigation

in terms of total acerage ?

1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Haryana

3. Bengal 4. Punjab


Which state has the maximum length of roads ?

1. Madhya Pradesh 2. Bihar

3. Maharashtra 4. Punjab


The first postal stamp of India was released in

1837. Where was it released ?

1. Karachi 2. Bombay 3. Dhaka 4. Rangoon


In which state has the petro-chemical industry

developed most in India ?

1. West Bengal 2. Bihar

3. Gujarat 4. Tamil Nadu


What percentage of the total population of the

world lives in Asia ?

1. About 30% 2. About 45%

3. About 55% 4. About 65%


Which is the substance obtained on a commercial

scale from sea water, besides sodium chloride ?

1. Radium 2. Iodine 3. Thorium 4. Manganese


In South-East Asia, the highest population density

is found in

1. Vietnam 2.Cambodia 3. Malaysia 4. Indonesia


India borrowed the idea of Directive Principles of

State Policy from the Constitution of

1. The Weimar Republic of Germany

2. The Republic of Ireland

3. South Africa 4. None of the above


The Preamble to the Indian constitution reads

1. We, the people of India adopt, enact and give to

India this constitution

2. We, the members of the constituent Assembly

adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution

3. We, the citizens of India adopt, enact and give ourselves

this constitution

4. We, the people of India in our constituent Assembly

adopt, enact and give ourselves this constitution.


The ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity enshrined

in the Preamble of the constitution of India

were adopted under the inspiration of

1. The French Revolution

2. The Russian Revolution

3. The American Declaration of Independence

4. The U.N.O. Charter


Which of the following is a vector quantity ?

1. Mass 2. Time 3. Volume 4. Velocity


Mechanical energy can be converted into

1. Light energy 2. Heat energy

3. Electrical energy 4. All of the above


The working of rockets is based on the principle


1. Electricity 2. Kepler’s law

3. Newton’s law 4. Conservation of Momentum


The most abundantly found metal in the human

body is

1. Iron 2. Sodium 3. Calcium 4. Magnesium


The vitamin responsible for blood clotting is

1.A 2.B12 3.C 4.K


The hormone which regulates blood pressure is

1. Tyroxine 2. Insulin 3. Pituitrin 4. Adrenaline


The study of fungi is called

1. Genetics 2. Mycology 3. Algae 4. Physiology


Virus is a

1. Protein 2. Carbohydrate

3. Nucleus 4. Nucleoprotein


Cancer is caused by

1. Virus 2. Bacteria 3. Fungi 4. Algae

28. Which one of the following is a sedentary animal?

1. Cobra 2. Cow 3. Horse 4. Sponge


Red blood cells are formed in

1. The Thyroid 2. The Adrenal

3. Bone marrow 4. Thymus


Whales belong to the class

1. Mammalia 2. Reptilia

3. Fishes 4. Amphibia


Rabies is caused by

1. The bite of a dog 2. The bite of mosquito

3. Deficiency of vitamin B1 and B12

4. Deficiency of calcium


Alexander defeated Porus in the battle of

1. Pushkalavathi 2. Taxila

3. Hydapses 4. Rajgriha


English education in India was introduced by

1. Lord Curzon 2. Jawaharlal Nehru

3. Lord Macaulay 4. Lord Dalhousie

34. The Crown took over the Government of India by

1. The Charter Act of 1833

2. The Act of 1858

3. The Indian Council Act of 1861

4. Pitt’s India Act 1784


Jallianwalla Bagh firing took place in

1. Delhi 2. Calcutta 3. Bombay 4. Amritsar


Who said “Swaraj is my Birthright” ?

1. Gandhiji 2. Tilak

3. Pandit Nehru 4. S.C.Bose


The Taj Mahal was built by

1. Jahangir 2. Akbar

3. Shershah 4. Shahjahan


Who was the Prime Minister of England when the

Indian Independence Act was passed ?

1. Attlee 2. Churchil

3. Macmillan 4. Lloyd George


The name ‘Pakistan’ was coined by

1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

2. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

3. Mohammad Iqbal 4. Azad


The Cabinet Mission was sent to India

1. To suppress communal riots

2. To determine the boundaries of India and Pakistan

3. To find a solution to the constitutional problem

4. To preach Christianity in India


Who was the last Governor General of India ?

1. Rajaji 2. Lord Mounbatten

3. Rajendra Prasad 4. Mavlankar


Who is known as ‘Deshbandhu’ ?

1. Narendra Dev 2. Pandit Nehru

3. C.R. Das 4. Gokhale


The location of a place is determined by

1. The noon at the place 2. The night at the place

3. Evening 4. None of the above


The southern super continent is called

1. Angaraland 2. Gondwanaland

3. Africa 4. None of the above


‘Terra Rossa’ is a type of

1. Lake 2. Coral 3. Soil 4. Fish


The Earth’s circumference measures

1. 40,000 km 2. 32,000 km

3. 24,000 km 4. 48,000 km


Among the planets of the solar system, in terms of

size, the earth is the

1. Fourth largest planet 2. Second largest planet

3. Sixth largest planet 4. Fifth largest planet


‘Socialist pattern’ comes through

1. Free economy 2. Mixed economy

3. Public sector 4. Private sector


Which one of the following is not a feature of a

developing economy ?

1. High rate of unemployment

2. High rate of population growth

3. High rate of capital formation

4. Widespread poverty


In recent years, the Indian economy has been

characterised as a

1. Developed economy 2. developing economy

3. Backward economy 4. Stagnant economy


‘Subsidies’ means

1. Payment by Government for purchase of goods

and services

2. Payment by the business sector to factors of production

3. Payment by shareholders

4. Payment by Government to the business sector


The ‘tertiary sector’ of an economy refers to

1. Agriculture 2. Industrial sector

3. Service sector 4. Social sector


Expenditure of defence is an item of

1. Public investment 2. Private investment

3. Private consumption 4. Public consumption


The Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution

was headed by

1. B.N. Rau 2. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

3. K.M.Munshi 4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad


A jet engine works according to the principle of

1. Mass 2. Energy

3. Linear momentum 4. Angular momentum


A liquid metal is

1. Mercury 2. Aluminium 3. Sodium 4. Cadmium


Baking soda is

1. Sodium carbonate 2. Sodium bicarbonate

3. Calcium carbonate 4. Sodium thiosulphate


The gas used in fire extinguishers is

1. Carbon monoxide 2. Carbon dioxide

3. Hydrogen 4. Sulphur dioxide


Vinegar is

1. Picric acid 2. Oxalic acid

3. Acetic acid 4. Carbolic acid


Algae come under the division

1. Thallophyta 2. Bryophyta

3. Pteridophyta 4. Gymnosperm


Riccia is commonly called

1. Moss 2. Green mold 3. Liverwort 4. Smut


Transpiration through leaves is called

1. Stomatal transpiration

2. Cuticular transpiration

3. Lenticular transpiration 4. Guttation


Copper is a

1. Micro-nutrient 2. macro-nutrient

3. Tracer element 4. Cation


The enzyme present in human saliva is

1. Ranin 2. Protease 3. Amylase 4. Lipase


Haemoglobin is a/an

1. Enzyme 2. Sugar

3. Lipid 4. Protien in the R.B.C


Which one of the following is excreted in urine

normally ?

1. Sugar 2. Creatin 3. Protein 4. Fat


Malaria is caused by the parasite

1. Mosquito 2. Plasmodium

3. Entamoeba 4. Trypanosoma


The Hindu ruler who defeated Mohammad of Ghori


1. Prithviraj 2. Jayachandra

3. Lalitaditya 4. Vidyadhara


Din-I-Illahi was

1. An idea 2. Akbar’s religion

3. A mosque 4. Aurangzeb’s policy


The Swaraj party was formed by

1. C.R.Das 2. Pandit Nehru

3. Gandhiji 4. Subhash Chandra Bose


The first Indian National Congress session was

held at

1. Madras 2. Delhi 3. Bombay 4. Calcutta


The Home Rule League of Annie Beseant was

founded in 1916 at

1. Bombay 2. Calcutta 3. Madras 4. Delhi


Sandy desert is known also as

1. Erg 2. Reg 3. Drumlin 4. Serir


Doldrum is

1. Low pressure belt 2. High pressure belt

3. No pressure belt 4. Cyclonic best


Which local wind is known as “the doctor” ?

1. Bora 2. Simon 3. Harmattan4. Chinook


India is the largest producer of

1. Rice 2. Groundnut 3. Cotton 4. Tobacco


Lake Volta is a part of

1. Ghana 2. Burkina Faso 3. Ivory Coast 4. Toga


Which of the following is the cause of inequalities

of income ?

1. Unemployment 2. Despression in industry

3. Concentration of economic power

4. Difference in standard of living


Disguised unemployment refers to

1. Persons with no jobs

2. More persons employed for a job, which a few can


3. Unemployment of women

4. Unemployment of people above 60 years


Inflation is caused by

1. Increase in money supply

2. Decrease in population

3. Decrease in production 4. (1) and (3)


The creation of a joint sector was recommended

by the

1. Raj Committee 2. New Industrial Policy

3. Dutta Committee 4. Hazari Committee


In India, the largest number of workers are employed

in the

1. Sugar Industry 2. Iron and Steel Industry

3. Cotton and Textile Industry

4. Jute Industry


Which of the following is not a basic industry ?

1. Iron and Steel 2. Fertilizers

3. Paper 4. Cement


Which of the following is the most important

source of revenue for the states in India ?

1. Sales tax 2. Customs duties

3. Land revenue 4. Profession tax


Which of the following taxes is the largest source

of revenue for the Government of India ?

1. Excise duties 2. Corporation taxes

3. Customs duties 4. Income tax


The largest rice producing state in India is

1. West Bengal 2. Kerala

3. Uttar Pradesh 4. Bihar


The Indian Constitution came into force on

1. November 26, 1949 2. August 25, 1945

3. August 15, 1947 4. January 26, 1950


How many states are there in India ?

1. Fifteen 2. Twenty - one

3. Twenty - five 4. Twenty - eight


The right to freedom is contained in Article

1. Sixteen 2. Nineteen

3. Twenty-five 4. Twenty-eight


The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha is

1. 238 2. 250 3. 280 4. 300


The tenure of the Indian President is

1. Two years 2. Four years

3. Five years 4. Six years


Who is the Presiding Officer of the meeting of the

Council of Ministers in a state ?

1. The Chief Minister 2. The Governor

3. The Speaker 4. The Chief Justice


If the Supreme Court Judges want to retire before

the expiry of their term, to whom do they have

to address their resignation ?

1. The President 2. The Chief Justice of India

3. The Prime Minister 4. The Law Minister


What is the retiring age of High court Judges ?

1. 58 years 2. 60 years 3. 62 years 4. 65 years


The Constitution of India describes India as a

1. Voluntary Federation 2. Confederation

3. Union of States 4. Federation


Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State ?

1. The Governor 2. The Speaker

3. The President of India

4. The Governor in consulation with the Speaker


The length of a rectangular field is 21m longer

than its breadth. If the area of the field is 196 m2,

then the length of the field is

1. 22m 2. 28m 3. 32m 4. 16m


If A : B = 2 : 3 and C : B = 3 : 4 then A : C is

1. 2 : 3 2. 2 : 4 3. 8 : 9 4. 9 : 8


The sum of the first five odd numbers is

1. 15 2. 25 3. 16 4. 18

100. Who is the Chairman of the 12th Finance Commission

of India

1. A.M.Khusro 2. Dr.V.V.Desai

3. Dr.C.Rangarajan 4. P.R.Panchmukhi

101. The Chairman of the National Commission on

Human Rights is

1. Justice V.R.Varma 2. Justice Anand

3. Justice V.R.Krishna Ayyer

4. Justice Jayachandra Reddy

102. How many Schedules are there at present in the

Indian Constitution ?

1. 9 2. 10 3. 11 4. 12

103. The provision of employment to all comes under

1. Fundamental Rights

2. Directive Principles of State Policy

3. Preamble 4. None of the above

104. Secularism envisages

1. No religion 2. Equal status for all religions

3. A particular religion of a state

4. None of the above

105. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights in

India ?

1. The President 2. The Prime Minister

3. The Parliament

4. The Supreme Court and the High Court

106. Fundamental Duties of the Indian Citizens are

included in

1. The Preamble 2. Part II of the Constitution

3. Part IV of the Constitution

4. Part IV-A of the Consitution

107. The authority to issue writs for the enforcement

of Fundamental Rights rests with

1. All the Courts of India 2. The Parliament

3. The Supreme Court 4. The President of India

108. How many members are nominated to the Rajya

Sabha by the President ?

1. One-fourth of its total members 2. Two members

3. Ten members 4. Twelve members

109. Who is the Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha?

1. The President 2. The Vice-President

3. The Speaker 4. The Deputy Speaker

110. The passage of a money bill may be delayed by

the Rajya Sabha for a maximum period of

1. Ten days 2. Fourteen days

3. Fifteen days 4. One month

111. In India, the Council of Ministers are collectively

responsible to

1. The Parliament 2. The Lok Sabha

3. The Rajya Sabha 4. None of the above

112. All disputes regarding the election of the President

are decided by

1. The Supreme Court 2. The Parliament

3. The Election Commission 4. None of the above

113. A man goes 150m due east and then 200m due

north. The distance of the man from the starting

point is

1.300 m 2.250 m 3. 350 m 4.275 m

114. The number of rational numbers between 2 and 5


1. One 2. Two 3. Infinite 4. None of the above

115. The Highest Common Factor of 25 and 35 is

1.1 2.5 3.7 4.25

116. The number of prime numbers between 10 and 20


1.4 2.5 3.6 4.7

117. India’s first Dalit Gramin Cyber Centre was

launched in

1. Tamil Nadu 2. Andhra Pradesh

3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Karnataka

118. The first Dalit Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh


1. D. Sanjeevaiah 2. S.K. Shinde

3. Rajamallu 4. K.Ranga Rao

119. The richest Indian in India is

1. Mukesh Ambani 2. Anil Ambani

3. Azim Premji 4. Narayana Murthy

120. The winner of the Femina Miss India Contest, 2003


1. Ms. Nikita Anand 2. Ms. Ami Vashi

3. Ms. Swetha Vijaya 4. Ms. Priyanka Chopra

121. The CEAT International Cricketer of the Year

Award, 2002 has been presented to

1. S. Tendulkar 2. M.Muralitharan

3. Andy Flower 4. S.Fleming

122. The CEAT International Batsman of the Year

Award, 2002 has been presented to

1. S. Tendulkar 2. S.Jayasurya

3. S.Fleming 4. S. Ganguly

123. The Gandhi Peace Prize for 2002 has been awarded


1. The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 2. Nelson Mandela

3. Collin Powell 4. Kofi Annan

124. Who is the new Chief Minister of Meghalaya ?

1. Gangaram 2. Ramalinga Rama Rao

3. Vidya Stokes 4. D.D.Lapang

125. Who is the new Chief Minister of Himachal

Pradesh ?

1. Veerabhadra Singh 2. Vidya Stokes

3. D. Singh 4. D.D. Lapang

126. The six-day World Economic Foroum 2003 was

held in

1. Switzerland 2. The Netherlands

3. Poland 4. France

127. Who is the Chairman of U.N.O. Human Rights

Commission ?

1. A.Sharon 2. N.A. Hajjaji

3. Kiran Bedi 4. Robinson

128. What is ‘cheap’ money ?

1. When money loses its value

2. Unearned money

3. When money loses its value because of inflation

4. When credit becomes easily available from banks

129. The largest known crude oil reserves are in

1. Iraq 2. U.A.E 3. U.S.A 4. Saudi Arabia

130. Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers

the President to pardon of a convicted person ?

1. Article 62 2. Article 63

3. Article 70 4. Article 72

131. The ‘Poverty line’ is determined by

1. Per capita intake (calories)

2. Income of the family 3. General health

4. Housing and clothing facilities

132. The script used by the Indus Valley Civilization ?

1. Has not yet been developed

2. was the Vedic language

3. Was depicted through pictures and diagrams

4. None of these

133. Who were the immediate successors of the

Mauryas in Magadha ?

1. Kushans 2. Pandyas

3. Satavahanas 4. Sungas

134. Painting in the Mughal period was as its peak

during the reign of

1. Jahangir 2. Akbar

3. Shahjahan 4. Aurangzeb

135. The Sultan who made a successful attempt to free

himdelf from the control of the Ulemas was

1. Balban 2. Allauddin

3. Firoz Shah 4. Jalaluddin

136. The first five year plan adopted the

1. Lewis-Fei model 2. Mahalanobis model

3. Harrod-Domar model 4. Keynesian model

137. Select disinvestment of public sector enterprises as

nomic growth rate

an objective was included for the first time in the 4. None of the above

1. 4th Plan 2. 7th Plan 3. 8th Plan 4. 9th Plan 144. Discomfort Index is a/an

138. Use of energy requirements (calorie) as a measure

1. Combination of longevity and literacy

of poverty in India was made for the first time by 2. Combination of standard of living and health indi1.

Dandekar and Rath 2. Amartya Sen


3. Planning Commission 4. T.N.Sreenivasan 3. Index of cost of living

139. NABARD’s primary role is to

4. Composition of annual inflation and unemploy1.

Provide term loans to cooperatives

ment rate

2. Assist State governments for the share capital con-145. Corbett National Park is in

tribution 1. Bihar 2. Madhya Pradesh

3. Act as a re-finance institution

3. Uttar Pradesh 4. Himachal Pradesh

4. All of the above

146. Which state produces the bulk of natural rubber

140. The Indian institution that has filed more patents

produced in India ?

than all the individual patents put together in In-1. Tamil Nadu 2. Karnataka

dia is 3. Kerala 4. Andhra Pradesh

1. CSIR 2. ICAR 3. AIIM 4. DRDO 147. Which National Highway (NH) connects Agra and

141. Which of the following agencies does not finance

Mumbai ?

local bodies for infrastructural development ? 1.NH 1 2.NH 7 3.NH 4 4.NH 5

1. LIC 2. HUDCO 3. CRISIL 4. ILFS 148. Which, among the following, is the most abundant

142. Aggregate measure of support (AMS) in the con-

element in sea-water ?

text of WTO refers to the 1. Sodium 2. Chlorine 3. Iodine 4. Potassium

1. Minimum support price guarnteed to the farmers 149. Which of the following major sea-ports of India

2. Quantum of subsidy given to the agricultural sec-does not have a natural harbour ?

tor 1. Mumbai 2. Cochin 3. Marmagao 4. Paradeep

3. Issue price of paddy and wheat

150. Which of the following natural regions is known

4. Insurance cover for crops

as the ‘bread basket’ of the world ?

143. Trickle Down Theory of Development holds that 1. The Steppe region 2. The Meditrranean region

1. Global prosperity spreads to domestic economy 3. The Monsoon region 4. The Equatorial region

2. Development spreads downward through more

demand for labour

3. Rate of growth of taxation is not related to eco-


1)1 2)1 3)4 4)1 5)2 6)2 7)1 8)2 9)3 10) 1

11)4 12)4 13)2 14)1 15)3 16)2 17)3 18)3 19)1 20) 3

21)1 22)2 23)2 24)1 25)2 26)3 27)2 28)2 29)2 30) 2

31)3 32)1 33)3 34)1 35)1 36)4 37)1 38)2 39)1 40) 3

41)4 42)1 43)3 44)2 45)2 46)4 47)3 48)3 49)2 50) 2

51)2 52)1 53)1 54)4 55)1 56)1 57)1 58)4 59)4 60) 1

61)3 62)3 63)2 64)1 65)4 66)3 67)1 68)1 69)2 70) 4

71)3 72)2 73)2 74)2 75)2 76)4 77)3 78)4 79)2 80) 3

81)3 82)3 83)2 84)2 85)3 86)3 87)3 88)1 89)1 90) 4

91)3 92)2 93)1 94)2 95)3 96)4 97)3 98)4 99)1 100) 4

101) 1 102) 3 103) 1 104) 2 105) 2 106) 1 107) 3 108) 2 109) 4 110) 1

111) 3 112) 1 113) 1 114) 1 115) 2 116) 2 117) 2 118) 3 119) 1 120) 3

121) 3 122) 1 123) 4 124) 1 125) 4 126) 1 127) 2 128) 1 129) 4 130) 3

131) 2 132) 3 133) 2 134) 1 135) 2 136) 4 137) 1 138) 1 139) 2 140) 1

141) 3 142) 2 143) 1 144) 2 145) 2 146) 1 147) 1 148) 4 149) 1 150) 2 









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