Wednesday 21 September 2016

simple easy tips healthy

A good health is no big deal. Small changes in your daily lifestyle can make huge improvements in your health.
Don’t do a massive change, because it seems daunting. Just create simple routines that you can automatically follow.
Below you’ll find simple health tips that anyone can do. Adopt some of them and you will love your life more in just a couple of weeks.

Here Are 100 Simple Health Tips:

  1. Walk for 30 minutes daily.
  2. Eat a piece of fruit daily.
  3. Eat whole foods instead of processed foods whenever possible.
  4. Reject foods and drinks made of artificial colors or sweetener.
  5. Start each lunch/dinner with salad.
  6. Give your partner a hug every day before work.
  7. Take a deep belly breath for three to five minutes twice a day.
  8. Smell the scent of lavender to relax and sleep well.
  9. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed.
  10. Drink plenty of water.
  11. Get 10-15 minutes of sunlight and fresh air daily.
  12. Jog.
  13. Run in place.
  14. Have a greater variety of food. Variety means no excess of anything and more nutrients. Eat three different foods at every meal.
  15. Eat slowly.
  16. Have snacks between meals.
  17. Watch comedy and add humor to your life.
  18. Never skip breakfast.
  19. Try to have seven hours of sleep at night.
  20. Have a fixed bed time, preferably at 10:00 pm.
  21. Increase your fiber intake.
  22. Eat foods with bright rich colors.
  23. Join a Yoga class.
  24. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people.
  25. Know that healthy food tastes great later.
  26. Drink green tea twice a day.
  27. Exercise till you sweat once a week.
  28. Save a one year’s worth of living expenses to eliminate the money stress.
  29. Have as much sex as possible … At least twice a week.
  30. Do pull-ups and push-ups for 30 minutes twice a week.
  31. Eat a handful of nuts 30 minutes before a meal.
  32. Step on a treadmill.
  33. Learn to cook and gain control of what goes into your meals … and save money!
  34. Take a Vitamin D rich supplement.
  35. Chew food thoroughly.
  36. Avoid cold drinks with meals.
  37. Take ginger.
  38. Cut down sugar.
  39. Don’t over-eat!
  40. Don’t eat 3 hours before going to bed.
  41. Fast.
  42. Sit in silence for 10 minutes each day.
  43. Play games.
  44. Read good books.
  45. Pray.
  46. Meditate.
  47. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  48. Do work that you are passionate about.
  49. Quit a job you hate.
  50. Keep in touch with your family.
  51. Do something good to one person everyday.
  52. Don’t drink coffee twice a day.
  53. When you feel tired, REST.
  54. If you’re stressed, don’t try to manage it. Instead, take time off and relax.
  55. Laugh out loud.
  56. Quit smoking by smoking one less cigarette every week.
  57. Walk in nature barefoot.
  58. Spend time with friends.
  59. Start a gratitude journal. Record one thing you’re grateful for everyday.
  60. Ride a bike for fun or cycle to work a few times a week.
  61. Read 8 Weeks To Optimum Health by Dr. Weil.
  62. Wash hands with soap.
  63. Avoid passive smoking.
  64. Ask for help when you need it.
  65. Eat calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese and green leafy vegetables.
  66. Don’t sit for a prolonged time. Stand up and stretch.
  67. Wash your eyes and face regularly.
  68. Sing.
  69. Dance.
  70. Swim regularly in open air.
  71. Take the stairs. No elevators. No escalators.
  72. Remain faithful to one sexual partner to avoid AIDS.
  73. Travel more often.
  74. Wear high quality comfortable shoes.
  75. Eat until you’re 80% full.
  76. Cook meals with curry powder.
  77. Take a 15-30 minutes nap.
  78. Eat dark chocolate.
  79. Eat wild salmon at least once a week (Omega-3 rich).
  80. Forgive someone.
  81. Call an old friend.
  82. Eat oranges.
  83. Sometimes, you need to say no for the sake of your health.
  84. Take care of your teeth. Floss and brush your teeth twice a day at least.
  85. Take honey to build up your immunity system.
  86. Don’t sleep right after having a meal.
  87. Don’t sleep when you’re emotionally upset.
  88. Begin a garden.
  89. Build your self confidence.
  90. Don’t over-spend your money.
  91. Volunteer in a good cause.
  92. Do some strength training twice a week.
  93. Eat one or two fish meals per week.
  94. Find your passion and purpose in life.
  95. Consider massage.
  96. Don’t solve your emotional problems by eating more.
  97. A garlic a day!
  98. Cut back on salt.
  99. Avoid negative people.
  100. Herbs, herbs, herbs.

Eating & Exercising are almost all what you need for living healthy.
I know that this is not the first time you hear that. And in fact, that’s what makes the topic of healthy living puzzling!
If we all know that the formula for living healthy is that easy – just eat healthy food and exercise daily – why most people fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There are three main reasons:

1. Not Enough Time:

That’s probably the biggest reason of all. In the fast paced lifestyle that we are engaged with, we can’t find time for ourselves and our beloved ones, let alone find time to prepare a healthy meal. So, the junk food option is always more convenient and more tasty.
We are so busy doing things that don’t really matter and then we complain that we can’t find time to take care of our health.
If you borrow 30 minutes from your TV time and go for a short walk around the block, you’ll feel much better.

2. Lack of Compelling Reasons 

Although the importance of living healthy is clear to everyone, it never finds its way to our daily lifestyle.
That’s simply because the reasons you have are not compelling enough to motivate you to get out of your comfort zone and make healthy choices.
To find more compelling reasons, you need to read more about the importance and the essence of healthy living.
Many people mix between weight loss programs (or diet) and healthy living. And there is a big difference.
People whose goal is to lose weight usually fail, because they feel deprived from what they like to eat. But, those who embrace a healthy living mindset consciously and gladly make healthy choices, because they know that it is good for their overall well-being.
Unfortunately, some people start to pay attention to healthy living after they are diagnosed for cancer or have complicated health issues!
What’s even more surprising is that most people make very few changes to their lifestyle, even after suffering something really scary like cancer or a heart attack.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (2008) found that out of 9,000 cancer survivors, only a few had switched to a healthier lifestyle.
Another study published in the American Heart Journal (2007) followed over 1,200 men and women who were overweight and had experienced a heart attack. And a year later, those people had lost only 0.2 percent of their body weight!

3. Lack of Reliable Information

The majority of people lack proper knowledge of what it takes to have optimum health, and hence they don’t know how to go about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They don’t have a clear simple plan to follow.
For you, healthy living looks like an overwhelming task that you don’t even know how to start.
Moreover, due to the huge ocean of information out there about health and well being, we are paralyzed and don’t know where to find RELIABLE information to follow.

Here are two simple actions you can take today to start living healthy:

1. Follow Dr. Weil’s advice

One of the best books to read on the topic of healthy living is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health”.
Thanks to Courtney Craver of Be More With Less for introducing this book to me through her post Five Powerful Books on Health and Nutrition.
I found this book to be the easiest and most practical healthy living plan. You’ll find a lot of motivation, scientific facts and a step by step plan for optimum health. I’m currently following the 8 week plan and will share with you the results periodically.
The best thing about Dr. Weil’s plan is that it covers your whole well-being: Mind, body and spirit. It is not only about the food you eat, it also takes into consideration you mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

2. Wake Up Early

The few hours you will spend alone before the rest of the world wakes up are the most precious hours of the day, and you’ll soon get addicted to it.
You’ll find time for mental health by reading, physical health by exercising, emotional health by listening to your favorite music and spiritual health by praying or meditating.
You can check my post 50 Ways to Wake Up Early and Start Your Day Fresh for simple tips to become an early riser.
Since I became an early riser, my life became 10 times more productive and joyful.

Try to apply these two tips and you’ll thank me for the amazing results you’ll experience.
Healthy living is all about choices.
You either choose short term pleasures or long term gains.
If you don’t see quick results from making healthy choices today, be patient and don’t fallback to the choices that provide you with immediate gratification.
Would you choose living longer with a good health or living shorter with complicated health issues?
It’s your choice.
* Photo Credit: SashaW @ Flickr CC

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healthy living photosSo, with the new year upon us, I’ve made some pretty interesting goals for myself. I have some overall ones for the blog and some for my family, but the ones that pertain specifically to me have to do with my health. I recently started seeing a personal trainer. There were lots of reasons for my decision to do this, which I’ll get into at a different time, but I’ve come to find that taking baby steps towards a healthy lifestyle as opposed to changing the way you eat completely upside down {like on crash diets, fad diets, etc.} is definitely easier to do and will last much longer. Here’s a list I put together of 50 healthy eating tips. Feel free to give one or two of these a whirl and see how they work in your life! Once you have those down, add in one or two more. One little change can make a huge difference.
I’ll be doing more updates on my healthy eating and fitness progress with *gulp* before and after photos. I think…..insert nervous laugh here.
1. Drink more water!
2. And while you’re at it, quit drinking soda. It has absolutely no nutritional value. My husband promised himself he would quit drinking soda four years ago. And believe it or not, he’s never had a sip since. What a show-off, right? Lol! I will have a diet soda pop once in a while when we go to a restaurant, but that’s pretty much it.
3. Try sticking with water and milk. Don’t buy juice. I used to think it was healthy, but holy mama mia the sugar in juice is a little ridiculous.
4. Don’t eat while standing.
5. Or in front of the TV! {I’m a notorious mindless eater, so this is something I need to work on.}
6. Incorporate more protein into your diet. More protein will help keep you fuller longer.
7. Try eating a salad a day. {I’m going to be trying this!}
IMG_00368. If you don’t like salad, try throwing a bunch of veggies into soup. It’s a different, but still delicious way to get a bunch of veggies into your diet.
9. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with fruit. Apples and all-natural peanut butter is one of my favorites.
10. Try natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup and agave instead of white sugar.
11. Switch over to whole wheat flour or white whole wheat flour {like the albino version of whole wheat flour…so you can trick your kids easier!}
12. Try dark chocolate instead of milk or semi-sweet.
13. Try 1% or non-fat milk over 2% or whole.
14. Try greek yogurt over traditional low-fat, flavored yogurt varieties.
15. Choose unsalted nuts instead of salted.
16. Try using olive oil instead of vegetable oil.
17. Try coconut oil in place of butter.
18. Try eating your complex carbs at breakfast and lunch.
19. Don’t eat dessert every night.
20. Find and try foods higher in fiber.
21. Try to go 1 week without eating sugar.
22. Then try to go 1 week without eating artificial sugar.
23. Purchase low-sodium versions of the original versions.
IMG_000224. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier.
25. Watch 30 minutes less of TV each day.
26. Choose one meal per week to splurge. But don’t go all buck-wild.
27. Incorporate more foods high in anti-oxidants.
28. Don’t skip breakfast.
29. Replace brown rice for white.
30. Replace white bread with whole wheat.
31. Replace pasta with the whole wheat version or make zucchini noodles.
32. Try baking instead of frying.
33. Try sweet potatoes or yams over white potatoes.
34. Try one new spice/herb per week.
IMG_002435. Take a sack lunch to work instead of eating out.
36. Eat out 1 time less per week.
37. Try roasting or steaming your veggies.
38. Do jumping jacks or burpees during commercial breaks.
39. Find an activity you love like hiking, dancing, sports or zumba. That way exercising won’t feel like exercise.
40. Start saying to yourself “I want to work out” instead of “I have to workout”.
41. Keep a positive attitude even when you want to eat all the cookies and cupcakes in the world. {This is totally hard for me!}
42. Try dipping bread into olive oil and balsamic vinegar instead of smearing on the butter.
43. Learn what portion sizes are right for you and try to stick with it for 1 week.
44. Don’t eat 2 hours before you go to bed.

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